Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What I was looking for...

So, did the tips that my coordinator told me to do, and guess what, this morning....I dropped 1.6 lbs! OH YEAH! That is what I was looking for.  She also got back to me with information from the doctor.  It seems that the possible "pain" I was feeling in thigh could be from water retention, which the HCG does.  Well after taking in some more fiber and getting rid of some waste (which I was having problems doing) I am pain free and more comfortable.  Plus, seeing my weight go down on the scale.  Awesome!!

So today, I was outside with the kids and my husband enjoying the cool, but nice weather...I miss being able to run around with them.  However; in 5 weeks time I will be able too!  I am counting down!

I am still hungry at times, but I eat either my fruit or melba toast and I am good to go until one of my meal times.  I love the oranges I have been eating! They are so sweet and filling that I could eat them all day and be fine!  I wish they weren't so expensive. 

Anyway here is a start to an awesome 3rd week!

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