Hello Monday! So nice to see you again! Thank goodness for these Motivational Monday's because without them I truly do not feel as though I will be motivated to get things done in my life. The problem with being motivated is that we sometimes forget to relax and realize there are other people around you who may be feeling neglected. This week I accomplished some of my short term goals including: Getting blog posts ready for publishing, I scheduled my deck removal and fencing...which I will blog about b/c I am helping do this, and I worked out EVERYDAY last week! [can I get a virtual high five!! whoot! whoot!] I was super busy, in fact I was so busy, that we didn't really have time to do anything special on Wednesday. Why is Wednesday special? Well that is because it was my anniversary. Yep a whopping 3 YEARS!! [hey, it's longer than my first marriage =)]
Most people believe that we are suppose to still be in our "honeymoon" phase however, that would be for regular couples. Kevin & I however, are not regular couples....we have both been married and we had already had the kids before the whole marriage thing. Plus, I made him wait about 2 years to actually walk down the aisle. Basically, we were pros at the whole "living together" thing and we are just so busy that the whole "honeymoon" thing just got skipped over.

Remember to love somebody this week and tell them: "Just because I'm busy doesn't mean I don't love you."
P.S. It's totally awesome not to be a regular couple....we are much cooler than those regular couples anyway!
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